by Nancy J. Wagner
Recently, I wrote 53 500-word articles in less than three weeks for an online knowledge resource website. My contract required fast writing with language that grabbed the reader’s attention and kept it. I kept several things in mind as I wrote, and I’m sharing these tips below. Sticking to these three tips resulted in all of my articles getting accepted with few revisions. I must admit, though, that my writing definitely improved from the constant practice of writing for almost 21 days straight! Try these to improve your writing:
1. Avoid using the passive voice-write in the active voice.
The active voice offers a much stronger style of writing, and helps people want to take action. Avoid using the “to be” verbs such as is, are, was, were, has, have, etc. Replace these words with action oriented words-sometimes that means organizing the sentence differently. But you’ll see a clear improvement when you do. Check out these quick examples:
Passive: Our business is celebrating its 10th year anniversary.
Active: Help us celebrate our 10th year anniversary.
Passive: We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Active: Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
2. Make it personal.
Use the word “you” in your sentences to involve the reader and get them excited about what you offer. Avoid using the impersonal and formal “one” as a subject.
3. Write for the least knowledgeable prospect in your target market.
Explain your product or service as if the person knows nothing about them. Give the reader all the information they need to educate themselves about the features and benefits, and write it so a person with a limited education understands. Just remember-this basic information doesn’t stop readers who already know the information, they just skip that section and keep reading.
If you don’t want to waste valuable time writing, give us a call. We can edit what you’ve already written, or write everything from scratch. Either way, we make your copy markeintg-savvy so it sells. To start a discussion on your project, please give Nancy a call at 425-415-6427 or email her at