We are known for providing effective, attention-grabbing copy, we write the words that prompt your prospect to call immediately…or keep the information until they’re ready to buy. Plus, our copy always focuses on the benefits of your product and service from your target market’s point of view. That’s the key to our copywriting success and the reason our clients rely on us to explain what they do. Projects we provide copywriting for include:
Marketing Materials and Website Copy
Print newsletters
Online or print newsletters/articles
Case studies
Testimonial gathering
Success stories
Ghostwritten articles and blog posts (I write the piece, your name is listed as author)
Rate: Based on $95.00/hour (Project budgets are available once we know more about your specific copywriting needs.)
Press releases
Our press release process includes gathering the details and interviewing you or your company. Then, based on your needs, we write either a straight-forward press release about an event, or we prepare a detailed story ready for print in a newspaper or magazine. We also offer submission services to get your release in front of the right editor or on interested websites and blogs.
Rate: $95.00/hour or on a per project fee basis
To begin a discussion about your project, please call Nancy at 425-415-6427 or email her at nancy@cuttothechasemarketing.com.